Monday, June 2, 2008

Topix - updated:

Want to vent your frustrations, voice your concerns, put some light on issues that have been swept under the rug...but don't trust this site?

I have started a string for comments about DOC, titled (surprisingly) "Knuckle Knocked".

Topix is a big, national forum host. Anyone familiar with the comment forums on WISH-TV or the Indy Star will recognize this forum.

You can comment and post on almost anything you wish, as anonymously as you wish. You can change your name, you can change your city. And no need to send anyone you don't know an email to start a discussion.

Check it out.

Better to keep the fire lit somewhere, if not here.

Ditch Mitch and his little dog too!

The damage that has been done to Indiana's Department of Correction is horrible. Most people don't want to know about or don't want to care about what happens inside our prison system, but word MUST get out to the tax paying public!

Mitch Daniels appointed J. David Donahue to be commissioner of the IDOC and both are responsible for systematically destroying this agency. It is not working efficiently or effectively, and does nothing to protect it's employees (JDD's "3 E's"...a joke!)


When the IDOC is not efficient, effective, or safe then EVERYONE PAYS!


by Unbelievable

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Don't let RSM be right

This blog is a great idea and anyone who kept up with the IDOC thread on TDW needs to know about this and post to it to keep each other informed and to keep letting Mitch and JDD know that there are people who work hard and care about how things are done in this state.

Thomas Paine said it is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from the government!

WE have to protect Indiana from THIS government of lying money hungry idiots!

by Anonymous

Friday, May 30, 2008

Death at ISP?

Heard there was another inmate death a couple of days ago? at ISP?

by Anonymous

Whistle Blowers

I read this morning on Jen Wagner's Hoosier Political Report ( that the state Department of Labor is suing a Ft. Wayne hotel after they fired a manager who reported safety violations there.

I wonder how many similar lawsuits the state could file against itself for all the "whistle blowers" who have been fired or forced out for the same thing, in IDOC alone?

JDD, his henchmen, and his lapdogs have made sure that anyone who feels the need to point out the serious problems in this department thinks twice and keep their mouths shut. Even the most trivial concerns or suggestions for improvement label you as a troublemaker. How many of the best, competent people have been forced out because they've tried to point out problems? How many people have been sucked into JDD asking for their "ideas" and participated in those ridiculous "Skip Level" meetings with him, then find they are on the list of troublemakers? Those meetings are nothing less than a chance for JDD to convince the youngest and most naive new employees that he is the "best corrections commissioner in America", and to spot the troublemakers, whether they are new or veteran staff. Point out a problem to JDD, and he will be on the phone to your Superintendent. Point out a problem or a concern to your Superintendent, and you are on the list. Anyone who finds themselves on the list is transferred, pushed around, forced out, or fired.

How many Wrongful Terminations has HR had to deal with?

Mitch TV

(Someone made the following comment last evening under "Hail & Farewell", but I've placed it here as a separate post. And if you can't enough of 'Mitch TV', check out Jennifer Wagner's great post about it on her new blog, Hoosier Political Report: - P.H.)

"Get ready for "Mitch TV"

No matter what happens in the episodes, the campaign message always comes through. Campaign consultant Mark Lubbers produces the show along with producer Rick Thompson. The two follow Daniels on the campaign trail and at official functions.

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) - The Mitch Daniels re-election campaign launches a statewide reality show featuring the Republican governor this weekend. The first of 12 episodes of "Mitch TV" is a behind-the-scenes look at Election night 2004 when Mitch Daniels won his first term as governor. Five episodes of the half-hour reality show will air in June. Seven episodes are scheduled to air in the weeks leading up to the November election. Campaign consultant Mark Lubbers produces the show along with producer Rick Thompson. The two follow Daniels on the campaign trail and at official functions.

No matter what happens in the episodes, the campaign message always comes through. "And there's no doubt there's a campaign objective and it clearly serves the campaign's objective and the governor's objective to win an election," said Lubbers.

It is a concept that Democrat Jill Long Thompson can't afford to copy." He can put all the infomercials on TV he wants. It doesn't change the reality that his policies have been a dramatic failure," said Thompson spokesman Jeff Harris.

Meantime, the Daniels campaign argues that the format is only effective if you have a candidate willing and able to withstand the scrutiny of an ever-present camera. The first five weeks of "Mitch TV" will cost the Daniels campaign $200,000. It airs in five Indiana television markets and on Louisville, Kentucky television. Lubbers said it's an inexpensive use of campaign dollars when compared to 30-second commercials, but he won't know for sure until November.

by Anonymous
May 29, 2008 10:44 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2008


"Do we want things to get better? Then WE will have to expose what is wrong. The only way to fix a problem is to know what the problem is. At this point the Daniel’s administration has made sure to cover up the problems or white wash them and make everything look as if it is being addressed when in reality nothing is being done, as is happening at Plainfield Reentry."

Boy whoever wrote that was RIGHT ON! PREF is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of the idiotic incompetent covered up mess that has become of this department. Invented by a clown and managed by a lapdog! And what is the result??? Does ANYONE in this department think that the PREF is doing anything different or better than other facilities? NO! But if it isnt CO pushing for offenders to be placed there (and I thought they had to qualify?), then it's the offenders who either want to go even though they don't qualify..then they get accepted, or they don't want to go because they heard its about the no programs and mess..and THEY get put there anyway...or the ones who want to go and it would be a good thing but then they DON"T get accepted even though they meet all the qualifications!! Then they change the criteria anyway. Why?? Just to get better statistics??? CLIFF and PLUS and so much of JDDs crap is pure crap but PREF is the worst of it all.


by Anonymous